
On the 14th January 2013 FCP 2 set off leaving the snow of England behind, trading it instead for the snowy streets of Berlin. Our objectives whilst on the trip were to attend trade shows at Berlin fashion week as well as soaking up the exciting and unique culture the historical city has to offer. Having never been to Germany before I was unsure of what it would be like, and my ignorant mind seemed only able to conjure up images of war and men in lederhosen, so armed with this and my VERY limited knowledge of the German language, hello, goodbye and glue stick (hence the title of the blog) I embarked on a new adventure with the course girls. 

When arriving in Berlin the first thing that struck me was the cold… my god it was cold! A soft blanket of snow lay over the city and its clean and clinical look juxtaposed interestingly with the urban graffiti which spanned a great deal of wall space within Berlin. On first glances the city appeared unique and unlike anywhere I had been before, the streets seemed a lot quieter than other big cities I’d visited such as New York and London and there was a much more relaxed and laid back vibe. Just as well because the first thing that was needed after arriving at the hostel was a good long sleep in the new room we would be calling home for the next 5 nights. Gute Nacht. 

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